Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Day 13 – Interlaken, Switzerland

Interlaken is one of my favorite places. My previous visits have been in late October, February and early March. Duing all 3 visits, the area was under a beautiful blanket of snow. On this trip, having a chance to see Interlaken in the springtime with all the mountain flowers blooming was going to be something new. Immediately entering the valley, I was struck with how green everything was. It was warm and sunny, but the Jungfrau, Eiger and Mounch were still covered in snow. 

We checked in at the Rugerpark B&B and met our host Ursula. She was born in the nearby canton and had been running the family B&B for over 10 years. The B&B could have doubled for the Mystery spot in Santa Cruz in that every floor, door way and stair of the old 5 story home were at 3 degree angles opposite each other. It was also decorated in a bizarre combination of items that I’ve seen at the Party Supply Place. 

It was too late in the afternoon for hiking, so wandered downtown to check out a few of a favorite places. WOW! What a difference! It was no longer the sleepy, quiet town I had grown to know, but a bustling area with packed tour busses of Chinese, Indian and  Middle Eastern tourists. Many Muslim women who were enjoying the shopping wore full burkas. Past the shops was the huge grassy field that the town centers around. It is lined with benches and I have spent a lot of time sitting there looking up at the mountains and watching the paragliders landing there from the peaks above. Now, it was much busier, but the view was still just as beautiful and we enjoyed some ice cream while taking in the mountains and people watching. Switzerland is still on the Swiss Franc. They will accept Euro, but give Francs back as change. I lost count of how many tourists were overly complexed and outraged of their transactions.

Before leaving the B&B, we had purchased some lift tickets from Ursula to go up one of the peaks for a view across the valley of the lakes and mountains. The Jungfrau had still shrouded in clouds and we were hoping they would lift. The funicular lift was not crowded at it was looking like it would be a nice ride up the mountain. Unfortunately, the peacefulness was interrupted by a huge tour bus filled with very loud, ill-mannered visitors. At the top of the mountain, everyone spilled out of the car and the quiet peak exploded with sounds of loud voices that could not be escaped. The children were ill-behaved, throwing rocks and running all around while their parents laughed (btw, these were not American tourists). Where is my peaceful homeland I thought to myself? The views were beautiful, however, there really were few places to seek solace other than retreating down the mountain via the hiking trails.

Back down at the meadow, we made plans for the following day’s hike, enjoyed the views and then walked along the river.
--> I found another crazy vending machine…this one made and dispensed grilled cheese sandwiches! I learned that even with the annoying tourists and increased volume of the town, nothing could take away from the looking at the towering mountains. I always wonder to myself if the locals ever get tired of their views.

If you are reading this blog, here is a little prologue:

While sitting on a bench overlooking the meadow below the Jungfrau, Matt looked at me and proposed. My response was delayed as I tried to mentally process what had just happened and then he removed a ring from his travel-trooper REI pants and put it on my finger. I said “yes.” He proposed in my family’s homeland and it felt like my Pop was there giving his approval. Prior to our trip, Matt had gone to Sacramento and asked my brother, Mark, for his blessing. Mark never let the secret slip and I was completely surprised. I called my Mom, via Facetime, and pointed at the Jungfrau Mountain. It took her forever to notice the ring on my hand that was pointing towards the mountain. It was too funny, but when she finally spotted it, she was very happy. Interlaken, Switzerland has always been special to me, now it is a very special place for the both of us.
When we arrived back in our room that night, we found a bouquet of flowers and a sweet congratulations card from Ursula on the room’s table. She had picked the flowers from her garden.

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